Navigation data

The computer systems used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols (for example, IP addresses of the devices used by users, the time of request and other parameters related to the user's operating system). This information is not collected to be associated with identified subjects, but by their very nature they could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. These data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of any IT crimes against the Owner, his successors in title or third parties.

What are cookies?

The "cookie", as already mentioned above, is a text file that can be stored in a dedicated space on the hard disk of the device used by the user (eg. Computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when the 'user visits the Site through their browser, and may be subject to the user's consent. The cookie allows the identification of the device in which the cookie is stored for the entire period of validity or registration of the cookie. During visits to the Site, information relating to navigation data received from the user's device may be stored in "cookies" installed on that device. It is possible to change the cookie settings at any time. Further information is provided below about the cookies used by the Site and how to manage the settings relating to them.

Types of cookies used

When connecting to the Site via the browser, cookies may be installed on the User's device in order to recognize the device used by the User, guarantee the use of the Site for the duration of the validity period of the cookies and collect information on access to the Site. same.
The Site uses the following technical cookies:
• Navigation cookies: these cookies allow the Site to function properly and allow you to view the contents of the Site and their eventual deactivation would lead to malfunctions of the Site. These cookies are not stored permanently on the user's computer and disappear when the browser;
• Functional cookies: these cookies allow, upon express request, to recognize the User at subsequent accesses so as not to have to enter their data at each visit. Functional cookies are not essential for the functioning of the Site, but improve the quality and the browsing experience;
• Analytics: the Site uses cookies from the Google Analytics service provided by Google Inc. in order to process statistical analyzes on how Users navigate the Site. Users' IP addresses are anonymized before being saved by the Google Analytics service;
• Technical cookie necessary to keep track of the consent given by the user.
The Site uses third-party profiling cookies to track navigation, improving the quality of the service provided and offering a better browsing experience in line with the user's tastes.

Management of cookies through browser settings

Almost all Internet browsers allow you to check which cookies are present on your hard drive, block all cookies or receive a warning every time a cookie is installed. In some cases, however, failure to install a cookie may make it impossible to use some parts of the Site.
Below are the methods offered by the main browsers to allow the user to express their options regarding the use of cookies:
- Internet Explorer:
- Chrome:
- Firefox:
- Opera:
- Safari:


By connecting to the Site for the first time, the user will see a brief information on the use of cookies. By closing this information using the appropriate button or by clicking outside the banner that contains it and continuing to browse the Site, the user consents to the use of third party cookies, in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.